Tuesday, 29 September 2009


YFRIDAY - GREAT & GLORIOUS with special guest Noel Richards in support
An all age, all family, all church, all denomination, all inclusive, One God Worship Event!
Sunday 11th October 2009, 7pm
at Athena in Leicester (the old Odeon cinema)

We have just 1000 tickets available for this fantastic event - unprecedented in Leicester - so please hurry.

This event is open the the whole church family, any age, with special discounts for ages 8 & under.

Churches are being encouraged to use this event in place of their normal Sunday evening service - or as one if you don't already run one. So please get behind this & give your support - let's show just how great our God is!

1000 voices, of all ages, joining together in common worship for 2 hours - make sure you remember where YOU were on the evening of October 11th 2009!

See you there!


PS - let us know if you want any posters or leaflets to promote this in your churches / youth clubs / schools / colleges...

Saturday, 12 September 2009

Next Event:
Away Day - 'Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done'
Saturday 19th September 2009
10.00am – 4.00pm
Gartree House, Illston on the Hill
Led by Revd. Ludger Fremmer, of St Wilfrid's, Kibworth.

A time to get together and get to know each other as well as some input and a time for reflection. Organised by the Mission Partnership Convenor, The Rev'd Helen Bence.

For further information please contact Liz Smith on 0116 241 4270 or email admin@thurnbychurch.com