Thursday, 30 October 2008

Kibworth and Fleckney Praise

The next Kibworth and Fleckney Praise is being hosted by New Life Christian Fellowship on Sunday 9 November and will be held at Fleckney Village Hall, School Street, Fleckney, 7.30pm.The last couple of Kibworth and Fleckney Praise have been inspirational and Spirit led. If you are looking for something that conforms, then it is probably not for you. It you are looking for something inspirational and reinvigorating, with uplifting praise that will help you walk with Jesus - then this maybe just what you are looking for.

Thursday, 16 October 2008

Recommended Reading

These books now available from Christian Resources:

SOUL PURPOSE by J. John at £8.99 aims to lead the reader from a prayer of commitment into the heart of Christian life. “He offers clarity to the journey of transformation which all of us are on. In his own unique style he tackles: How the Bible is relevant to the 21st century; Why and how we pray; Why Christians face difficulties and how to cope with them; and Going to church and loving it”.

BREAKOUT £8.99….”an amazing story of growth through mission-shaped communities. Written by Mark Stibbe and Andrew Williams we have here a proof that it is possible to move from being drawn to one place to ‘going out’, not individually but as a church fellowship. BREAKOUT is the story of one church’s move from a ‘come to us’ to a ‘we go to them’ model of mission”.

Contact: Peter Hebden, Christian Resources. 10 Bishop Street. Leicester,
LE1 6AF T: 0116 285 4499 E:

Monday, 13 October 2008

St Luke's Quiz Evening

St Luke's Quiz Night takes place on Friday 14th November in Thurnby Memorial Hall. The annual quiz is very popular with teams of eight battling it out to become quiz champion. The quiz night raises funds for the Missions St Luke's supports. It would be great for other churches in the partnership to enter teams. Tickets must be booked in advance and the event does normally sell out. Tickets include refreshments but bring your own drinks and glasses. Tickets are £10 each from Terry Shaw on 0116 241 3960.

St Luke's Holiday Club

Mandy Wong talks about her experience helping out at St Luke's Holiday Club in Thurnby.

Holiday Club was so much fun. It was amazing to see how many kids there were and was really exiting to have a chance to teach them about Jesus in a fun way.
Every morning we would do aerobics and kids songs, which was a real work out and tiring, but I did miss it when the Holiday Club ended. I would be often humming kids songs through out the day too.
The kids were really good and were a joy to be around. They thoroughly enjoyed all the craft, teaching, sports, quizzes, jokes and songs.
It was also great to see so many of the kids from the Holiday Club at the Family Service the following Sunday. Some of the kids also showed interested in attending The Ark every Sunday.
The Holiday Club was a real success. Well Done to Ali and all the helpers that took part. Good job!
Mandy Wong

Friday, 10 October 2008

Transformation through the Gospel

We are delighted to welcome Rev'd Dr Alison Morgan and Martin Cavender of ReSource to lead our partnership forum evening on 4th November from 7.15 - 9.45 at St Wilfrid's Church Kibworth.

This event, entitled "Transformation through the gospel" is designed as an evening of encouragement and will offer practical ways forward for every church in the partnership to feel confident about engaging in mission in unscary ways.

This will be an Open Meeting. If you are a member of any church within the partnership, you will be most welcome to coem along. We would particularly encourage those churches which were not represented at the PCCs evening led by ReSource in October to come along to this November meeting. Those who were at the October meeting, or the Quiet Day in May or the launch forum meeting will know that the input from the ReSource team will be well worth experiencing.

Thursday, 2 October 2008

Southern Edge Mission Partnership Blog

Congratulations to The Southern Edge Mission Partnership who have joined us in setting up a blog. It is looking really good and will be a useful method of communicating across the seven churches in the MP. Their blog address is

There is also a link in the right hand panel.

Churches in SOUTHERN EDGE MP are:
St Andrew, Aylestone
St Christopher
St James The Greater
St Mary, Knighton & St Guthlac
The Emmaus Team - St John the Baptist, Clarendon Park & The Church of The Nativity, Aylestone Park